Saturday 26 October 2013

Road Trip to Chicago

As there were a few places to see between Boston and Chicago I thought ...hey lets hire a car ...or as they say here .... lets get a rental.

I set of early from Boston heading east on my next adventure.   The car was fitted with a GPS ..wooo hooo but a little bit different.... you pressed a button on the rear view mirror and you spoke to a real person, you tell them where you want to go and they send "turn by turn" instructions to the car.  WOW that was so cool.   So Cooperstown is my first stop.   The birthplace of Major League Baseball and the Hall of Fame.  You may ask ...WHY??? ... I used to play baseball in Melbourne and sadly miss it.   Seeing the history and the names that have been honoured, Babe Ruth, Joe Di Maggio,  Carl Ripken Jr, Ted Williams, Lou Gehrig and hundreds of others.... The stories ... the way the game developed and the amazing History.

Here are a few pics of the Hall Of Fame

Babe Ruth

Then I seen this... its a softball... the bat was used at the 2000 Olympics in Sydney that I was a volunteer at.   So cool to see that.

The Famous hitting line up for New York Yankees - called Murderess Row

The first game of baseball in the USA was played here.

Day 2

Niagara Falls - The only way to sum it up is --WOW!!!!

The raw power and sound of the falls is mind blowing ....

Words are hard to describe it so I will let the pictures do it.. ( well try to )

The Canadian Falls

The American Falls

On the Maid of the Mist ... after this pic I was soaked

The noise was amazing ....

last pic before I got soaked again ... but it was awesome

the White Water Walk - down stream from the falls creates an awesome sight

The rainbows the mist creates ..they are every where

Behind the falls was so loud in here

Oh Canada ....

Day 3

Canton Ohio - Pro Football Hall of Fame

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