Wednesday 16 October 2013

New York NewYork Days 1 - 3

You see the shirts all over the place  I ( heart ) NY .... and I do .... its an amazing city fast but so beautiful...

The US Government shut down the day I hit NY.  There was only 1 thing I could not do and that was to go to Liberty Island.  Elis Island has been closed since Hurricane Sandy messed things up.

Did so much in the 6 days I was there ....

Day 1 ... I get there from Philadelphia ... drop my bags at the hostel that is 2 blocks from Empire State Building and head out for a work that the guy at the hostel suggested.    Walked to Time Square ... Broadway .. .   wow the cabs fly around there as if its a smash up derby ... OMG... then walked up to Central Park ...amazing ... so green and your in the middle of 1 of the biggest cities in the world, thru the garden see the apartment block where John Lennon lived and was shot in front of.  Strawberry Fields a memorial to the great man.  Beautiful .... then walked up 5th avenue ... pasts all the big shops and names ... then back to the hostel ... beautiful place ... 1 problem STAIRS!!! .. I was on the 4th floor ...not happy Jan!!

Dakota Appartments - where John Lennon was shot

Day 2 -  walked the Brooklyn Bridge see it in movies .... but its breath taking being on it ... the history of it and how long its been up and still going strong... parts were under maintenance but hey so is the West Gate Bridge in Melbourne ...seeing the view of Manhattan from the other side was wow ...   As I was  on the way t to see the 9/11 Memorial I took a photo of a fire engine, noticed it was engine 10 and remembered that number.  Seeing the memorial is beautifully done waterfall, the foot prints where the twin towers were ... very moving ... as I walk over to see the names ... there is Engine 10 and all the fire fighters who died that were the first respondents ... so sad.. so moving.  After there more walking around downtown Wall Street ... the security is ridicules...the famous bull has been moved ... so went to line up to get a pic with the bull... other crazies doing the same ... but they were getting pics holding the bulls balls wacky...

The New Freedom Tower

This tree is called the Survivor Tree ... was the only tree left after the cleared all the area ... the tree was reduced to a 5 foot stump and was nursed back to health and was re-planted.

Day 3 ... Empire State building - 87 floor ... the view is spectacular ... 360 deg all the way around... looking down on the  Central Park ... seeing how freaking big it is ... The Hudson River .. all the bridges that connect to Manhattan.... seeing the new Freedom Tower that being built in the business district of the towers ... ITS MASSIVE!!!  was up there for almost 3 hrs ... then went up to the 102 floor ... OMG that high .... sill so awesome...

Also went to the famous Radio City Music Hall...amazing ...

Grand Central Station

UN Building,  it was in lock down as they had a summit the day before

back in Time Square ... some of the crazies

Show time - I got a ticket to see Phantom of the Opera

Time Square at nite ,... so damn bright

Empire State Building lights up a different colour every nite.

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