Tuesday 22 October 2013

New York New York - Days 4 - 6

Days 4 -6 in New York ....

As the lovely Government shut stopped me from seeing the amazing Statue of Liberty, there was a way to get close with out going on the island ... and that's the Staten Island Ferry.

Downtown New York.  The new Freedom Tower - the tallest building

Ellis Island

This looks like ....

After the Staten Island Ferry.  I walked around Downtown some of the building was amazing

New York Stock Exchange

grabbing the bull by the horns

I walked over to where I could see some tall ships ...

Tall Ships

Then took a ferry from downtown on the East River to 38th Street ..
that's on the other side of the Brooklyn Bridge

Uptown New York

I love this bridge.

what a sight
The USS Intrepid

As the Enterprise never made it to space it was used to test the gliding back to earth

The 6 Shuttles.  I have seen the 4 remaining.  WOW!!!
I thought I would be seeing 1 - at the Kennedy Space Centre ...
Top of the Rock - At night

Day 5 -  Museum Of Modern Art
I thought ... mmmeehhh ...and a bit of a chuckle after seeing these ..

Then found these ....OMG!!!

Salvador Dali


Paul Cezene



van Gogh


Andy Warhol

There were 6 of these all different colours and in the restaurant.


Metropolitan  Museum

Day 6 - Coney Island
The Atlantic Ocean

Yankee Stadium

Last night in New York ... what a way to spend it
Going Sailing on this lovely Clipper on NY Haubor


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