Thursday 26 September 2013

Orlando - EPCOT Centre Disney World

I arrive in Orlando from New Orleans ... I drop my stuff at the place where im staying ... I ask the info desk what is the next bus out to a theme park ... EPCOT was the answer ... I bounced from check in to info bookin a trip out there ....WOW ... I hit the ground running.

Got my camera ... back pack ... and headed off ....problem ... it rained as we drove out there ... rain coat in other bag ... I looked like a drowned rat when I got to the main gate ....FFFF%%#$@!@ not happy Jan!!!

The famous EPCOT Ball ... 

There are all these "countries of the world" set up around the massive lake.
This was Germany

Tudor village and train

Italy ...




... where did she come from ...hehehehe


Canada ... they had a show in a room that a 360 degree screen ..WOW .. flying over the Niagara Falls and the Canadian Rockies ... 

EPCOT Ball at nite ... the fireworks was amazing .. with fountains, fireballs and massive atlas floating on the lake with a light show then fireworks ... AWSOME!!!


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