Monday 9 September 2013

Dallas - Start of week 3

Arrived in Dallas on the what ever of August ...LOL...loosing track of days ...

btw ... this is a pic of the plane I travelled in between Houston and Dallas...

Only had 45 seats ...
I hired a car ...

OMG its a Commodore ... NO!!! it was a Chevy  Impala - Niiiiccceeee

First day I go into Dallas and go to the JFK Museum.  See the place that stopped the world on the 22nd November 1963.  The book depository has now been turned into the "6th Floor Museum" dedicated to JFK.

It was moving seeing how it effected the nation and the world.  No photos allowed in the museum but were allowed to take a photo from the 7th floor 1 floor directly above the window where the fateful shot took place. 

Also to walk around the "Grassy Knoll" the location of where the car was when JFK was hit.

Picture from the 7th floor window

The "X" are places where the car was where JFK was hit



Looking from the "Grassy Knoll" to the "6th Floor" of the School Book depository

Grassy Knoll

From the X of the fatal shot looking back at the book depository

From the picket fence next to the Grassy Knoll .... 


Other buildings around Dallas - the old Court House

JFK momument


  1. I watched the Dallas game, could not see you, but the cheer leaders looked ok.

  2. same here except i did not look at cheerleaders the teams look good though.....hey and how did u do driving the car i only gave u one

  3. sorry missed the comments.... I made it on the jumbo tron 4 times ... wooo hooo

    As for the driving ... thank you Gerry for the lesson .... yur a good teacher
